Susie MacMurray British, b. 1959

Susie MacMurray has a unique talent for combining unusual materials in her work. Sensous velvet contrasts with rusty, military barbed wire, delicate feathers are barbed with sharp fish hooks challenging our senses and yet creating works of powerful, delicate beauty.

Susie MacMurray's work includes drawing, sculpture and architectural installations. A former classical musician, she retrained as an artist, graduating with an MA in Fine Art in 2001.  An engagement with materials and with the body is at the heart of MacMurray’s practice. Her role is one of an alchemist: combining material, form and context in deceptively simple ways to stimulate both physical and cultural associations within those who encounter her work.


Working in installation and sculpture she has gained a reputation for poetic site-specific interventions in historic spaces. Her work typically references the history of a space and merges the particularities of that history, the specifics of the site, and the meanings of materials to gain insight and raise questions about the relationship between place and people.



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