Rachel Grimshaw b. 1967


Rachel Grimshaw’s exquisitely coloured sculptural ceramics combine architectural concepts with a ‘truth to material’ approach to her clay. 

With many years experience working as an interior designer Grimshaw has honed her eye for form and proportion which has consequently informed her making process. Grimshaw makes her beautifully coloured ceramics without a set idea of the outcome and allows the clay to ‘go its own way’ and letting the subconscious to drive the form.


Unusually for a ceramicist Grimshaw adds body stains and oxides to her Parian porcelain or grogged stoneware to ensure the colour goes all the way through the material: “some in muted tones, others humming with intensity.” The combination of rich colour and shape results in her works appearing different from every angle; indeed, they may metamorphose with a change of light.


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