Ian Knowles British, b. 1962


"My work is a result of years of personal emotional investment and tactile learning from carving the same material. Progression, development, and improvement are all by-products if the process is considered as an intrinsic part of the outcome. My sculptures invite touching and interaction - they are objects which provide a connection between human emotion and enduring natural forms."

Ian Knowles creates highly abstract biomorphic sculptures, reminiscent of organic forms or human figures. Materiality is critical to Knowles' work, and nestled in his palm, each sculptural maquette requires careful reworking before it feels ready for casting. The slow and messy process of direct carving concrete by hand suits Knowles perfectly as he is able to tune into the subtleties of shaping, akin to how water or air naturally erodes. This process results in sculptures that celebrate the beauty of surface and the haptic.  


Following casting, Knowles works on the patina of each bronze at his studio in London. He feels the practice of producing the patina on the bronze is an integral part of the creative process, enabling him to artificially age the surface to afford the works a timeless quality. As each bronze is hand finished, there are small differences in patina and colour giving each edition a unique surface.


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