Zachary Eastwood-Bloom British, b. 1980


Fascinated by digital technology and its ability to push the boundaries of sculpture, Eastwood-Bloom re-writes the rules of sculpture by combining traditional materials with the cutting edge contemporary.

Following the success of his first solo exhibition in London in 2017, Zachary Eastwood-Bloom’s work and recognition within the art world has gone from strength to strength. In his best known series of works Divine Principles, Eastwood-Bloom took scans of classical sculpture from some of the world’s greatest museums and digitally manipulated their outlines. Eastwood-Bloom then cast his sculptures in bronze, fusing together one of mankind’s oldest sculptural techniques with one of its newest.


Studying at the Royal College of Art in Ceramics and Glass, Eastwood-Bloom has gone onto design numerous public works of art in and around the UK and in 2019 was the Royal Scottish Ballet’s first digital artist in residence, continuing his determination to explore the intersection between digital and classical artforms.


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